FAIRTRADE: Guarantees a better deal for Third World Producers
FAIRTRADE: A Fair Price Buy FAIRTRADE Coffee FAIRTRADE bananas Buy FAIRTRADE chocolate




What you can do >>

You can make a difference when your choose the FAIRTRADE label.

Join our group working hard to make Cork a FAIRTRADE City.

Come along to one of our meetings..call 021 427 5881 or email for more information.


  • By Yourself
    Choose FAIRTRADE Mark coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, bananas and fruit juice when doing your weekly shopping.
  • At Work
    Get your workplace to change over to FAIRTRADE Mark tea or coffee. FAIRTRADE Ireland can support you with samples, leaflets etc. For more information on FAIRTRADE Mark Ireland contact Peter Gaynor at
    or by telephone at 01 475 3515.

  • At School
    Show the FAIR COMMENT video (available from FAIRTRADE Ireland), have a coffee morning, start a FAIRTRADE tuck shop.
    Contact us if you need help in organising a workshop.

  • Where you live
    Ask your local shop or supermarket to stock FAIRTRADE Mark products. Convert your favourite coffee shop to FAIRTRADE Mark coffee or tea or, better still, join our FAIRTRADE project.
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